Audiovisual Identity Database (2024)

This page only shows primary logo variants.

For other related logos and images, see:

  • Anniversary
  • Other
20072007–2008May–July 2008July–October 2008October–December 2008July–December 20082008–2009
April–August 20092009–20102010–20112011–2014January–September 20142014–20152015–2016
2015–2018 (Fandom wiki)2016–20172017–20182018–2020May–June 20202020–20222022 (unused), 2023 (April Fools')
September 2022September–October 20222022–20232023–20242024–present

Audiovisual Identity Database, or AVID (formerly Closing Logos Group Wiki, or CLG Wiki) is a wiki, archive and collaborative database dedicated to describing on-screen production logos, bumpers, warning screens, boot screens, trailers and idents. It was founded in 2007 as a spinoff of the Yahoo! Closing Logos Group.[1]

C.L.G. Wiki[]


Audiovisual Identity Database (27)

Audiovisual Identity Database (28)SVG NEEDED
Designer:Eric S.

This and the next four logos could only be seen as part of the graphics on the wiki's homepage during their respective time periods.

CLG Wiki[]


Audiovisual Identity Database (29)

Audiovisual Identity Database (30)SVG NEEDED

May–July 2008[]

Audiovisual Identity Database (31)

Audiovisual Identity Database (32)SVG NEEDED

July–October 2008[]

Audiovisual Identity Database (33)

Audiovisual Identity Database (34)SVG NEEDED

October–December 2008[]

Audiovisual Identity Database (35)

Audiovisual Identity Database (36)SVG NEEDED


July–December 2008[]

Audiovisual Identity Database (37)

Audiovisual Identity Database (38)SVG NEEDED

This logo was used in tandem with the previous two logos until their respective retirements.

This is also the first logo to be used as a banner.


Audiovisual Identity Database (39)

Audiovisual Identity Database (40)SVG NEEDED

April–August 2009[]

Audiovisual Identity Database (41)

Audiovisual Identity Database (42)SVG NEEDED

2009–2011, 2015–2018[]


Audiovisual Identity Database (43)

Audiovisual Identity Database (44)SVG NEEDED
Designer:Phil Q.
Typography:Century Gothic
Launched:2007 (creation)
2009 (first use)

The CLG squares were based on the Yahoo! group's logo originally designed by former CLG owner, D.L. Chandell.


Audiovisual Identity Database (45)

Audiovisual Identity Database (46)SVG NEEDED

This logo was still used on the Dream Logos Wiki until 2014.

2015–2018 (Fandom wiki)[]

Audiovisual Identity Database (47)

Audiovisual Identity Database (48)SVG NEEDED
Designer:Phil Q.
Typography:Century Gothic
Launched:2007-2010 (creation)
May 2015 (first use)

In May 2015, the CLG Wiki attempted to migrate to Wikia (now known as Fandom). This move was not well-received, and was later aborted.

This logo was originally designed between 2007-2010 for the CLG Video Network, by Hodgepodge creator Phil Q., who also designed the Cityscape Films on-screen logo the year prior.


Audiovisual Identity Database (49)

Audiovisual Identity Database (50)SVG NEEDED

The silhouette in the square is taken from a promo for Universal Studios made by Bo Gehring, which was frequently recycled for promos for the wiki.

In 2013, the wiki migrated to WikiFoundry after six years on Wetpaint.


January–September 2014[]

Audiovisual Identity Database (51)

Audiovisual Identity Database (52)SVG NEEDED

This logo was still used for the Dream Logos Wiki on WikiFoundry until its shutdown in 2020.


Audiovisual Identity Database (53)

Audiovisual Identity Database (54)SVG NEEDED


Audiovisual Identity Database (55)

Audiovisual Identity Database (56)SVG NEEDED

This logo was only used during the wiki's 8th anniversary (see Anniversary).


Audiovisual Identity Database (57)

Audiovisual Identity Database (58)SVG NEEDED


Audiovisual Identity Database (59)

Audiovisual Identity Database (60)SVG NEEDED
Designer:Nick Lancer
Typography:Century Gothic (CLG)
Helvetica Neue (Wiki)
Launched:July 23, 2017

This logo was only used during the wiki's 10th anniversary (see the Anniversary page). It won a design competition held on the wiki in a forum thread.

This is an homage to the original Closing Logo Group logo. The white sections in the CLG wordmark resemble a 10. The logos on the red section are those deemed "scary", the logos on the green section are then-modern logos, and the blue section are logo parodies.


Audiovisual Identity Database (61)

Audiovisual Identity Database (62)SVG NEEDED
Designer:Evan Hogan
Mitch Hang (gradient)
Typography:Century Gothic
Launched:Late 2017


Audiovisual Identity Database (63)

Audiovisual Identity Database (64)SVG NEEDED
Designer:Evan Hogan
Mitch Hang and Nick Lancer (banner)
Typography:Century Gothic (CLG)
Helvetica Neue (Wiki, slogan)
Launched:March 6, 2018

This logo was still used on the Miraheze website's Cologne Blue skin (which is modified to resemble the WikiFoundry interface) until 2022. It was also revived briefly on April 1, 2023 as part of AVID's April Fools' event.

May–June 2020[]

Audiovisual Identity Database (65)

Audiovisual Identity Database (66)SVG NEEDED

On May 4, 2020, the CLG Wiki migrated to Miraheze after seven years on WikiFoundry, which shut down shortly after.


Audiovisual Identity Database (67)

Audiovisual Identity Database (68)SVG NEEDED

Horizontal version, used as a primary logo starting in November 2020

2022 (unused), 2023 (April Fools')[]

Audiovisual Identity Database (70)

Designer:Isaac Wykes
Isaac Wykes and Lyric West (font)
Typography:AVID Sans
Launched:2022 (unused)
April 1, 2023 (April Fools)

Originally created for a planned redesign of the website, this logo went unused due to the rebranding to AVID. Its only official usage was on the icon of the website's Discord server.

The logo was revived briefly in 2023 as part of an April Fools' event.

Audiovisual Identity Database[]

September 2022[]

Audiovisual Identity Database (71)

Typography:Segoe UI Light
Launched:September 29, 2022

On September 9, 2022, just months after the wiki's 15th anniversary, the wiki's leadership departed. Following this, the CLG Wiki rebranded to the Audiovisual Identity Database (AVID) after consensus was reached in an on-wiki discussion. A poll was created to choose the final logo, which closed on October 3, 2022; during the vote, a placeholder logo was used.

This logo was updated after a few minutes of usage to make it more readable.

September–October 2022[]

Audiovisual Identity Database (72)

Typography:Segoe UI Bold
Launched:September 29, 2022

This logo was used for five days before changing, as it was a placeholder.



Audiovisual Identity Database (73)

Designer:Kris Valdespino
Isaac Wykes and Lyric West (font)
Typography:AVID Sans
Launched:October 3, 2022

On October 3, 2022, the winning submission, designed by Kris Valdespino, was officially adopted as AVID's logo.

Until September 26, 2023, it could still be seen on the "Getting Started" buttons on the main page.


Audiovisual Identity Database (74)

Designer:Kris Valdespino and Isaac Wykes
Isaac Wykes and Lyric West (font)
Typography:AVID Sans
Montserrat (website, 2023–2024)
AVID Web (website, 2024)
Launched:April 2, 2023

A modified version of the 2022 logo, designed by Isaac Wykes, was rolled out on April 2, 2023. The logo was made thinner and its gradient was modified to incorporate purple.


Audiovisual Identity Database (75)

Designer:Kris Valdespino and Isaac Wykes
Quinn Davis (font)
Typography:AVID Web
Launched:June 8, 2024

A modification to the 2023 logo was introduced on June 8, 2024, using the AVID Web font instead of AVID Sans.


External links[]

Audiovisual Identity Database (2024)


Has the audiovisual identity database moved to WikiForge? ›

Following the demotion of the CLG Wiki's former management team due to an incident on September 9, 2022, and after overwhelming consensus, the wiki was renamed the Audiovisual Identity Database (AVID) on September 27, 2022. In June 2023, AVID moved to WikiForge, following concerns about Miraheze's future.

What database does fandom use? ›

Fandom uses MediaWiki, the same open-source wiki software used by Wikipedia.

Do databases still exist? ›

Thus most database systems nowadays are software systems running on general-purpose hardware, using general-purpose computer data storage.

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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Author information

Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.