Character Analysis in Peter Pan (2024)

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  • Alliteration
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  • Foreshadowing
  • Historical Context
  • Imagery
  • Irony
  • Literary Devices
  • Metaphor
  • Plot
  • Rhyme
  • Simile
  • Symbols
  • Themes
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  • Vocabulary

Peter: For Peter, the most important things in life are adventure and staying a child forever. His unwillingness to grow up presents various problems, including forgetfulness and a lack of empathy for others. He strongly dislikes adults and refuses to become part of the normal world. This means he is unable to change or mature. Throughout the novel, Peter is shown to care passionately about the protection of others, especially those who cannot protect themselves.

Wendy: Peter wants Wendy to act as a mother to The Lost Boys because she is loving and nurturing. However, other points in the narrative also describe Wendy as strong and brave. Unlike Peter, Wendy is mature and thoughtful. Much of the debate over Barrie’s depiction of female characters focuses on the character of Wendy. Some have argued that Wendy’s job in Neverland, to look after the Lost Boys, reinforces stereotypical gender roles.

Hook: Captain Hook is Peter’s greatest enemy. Though he is supposed to be a fearsome pirate, he is often shown to be cowardly or lacking courage. Hook is especially scared of the crocodile that follows him around. The crocodile once bit off his hand, including his watch. Now, when Hook hears the ticking noise, he knows the crocodile is close by.

Character Analysis Examples in Peter Pan:

Chapter 1 - Peter Breaks Through 🔒 5

"He had his position in the city to consider..." See in text(Chapter 1 - Peter Breaks Through)

Unlike Mrs. Darling, Mr. Darling is more concerned with “his position in the city.” The narrator portrays Mr. Darling in such a way to show what happens to children who grow up and lose their sense of wonder: they begin to worry about money and jobs, instead of adventure and joy.

Evan, Owl Eyes Staff

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"perambulators..." See in text(Chapter 1 - Peter Breaks Through)

A “perambulator” is a British word for baby carriage. Nana’s habit of looking into unwatched perambulators shows that she has a motherly instinct just like Mrs. Darling.

Evan, Owl Eyes Staff

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"Of course we can, George..." See in text(Chapter 1 - Peter Breaks Through)

Motherhood is one of the major themes in the story. When Mr. Darling doesn’t seem to think keeping Wendy is a viable financial option, Mrs. Darling appeals more to their will, than their reality, because of her love for her daughter and her husband. She knows that he wants to keep her, and just needs the peace of mind and encouragement that she has to offer.

Evan, Owl Eyes Staff

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"Her romantic mind was like the tiny boxes..." See in text(Chapter 1 - Peter Breaks Through)

This simile compares Mrs. Darling’s mind to matryoshka nesting dolls. These dolls appear as one large doll, but it can be opened to reveal smaller dolls inside of smaller dolls. The simile implies that Mrs. Darling’s mind is full of sweet and romantic surprises.

Evan, Owl Eyes Staff

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"she plucked another flower and ran with it to her mother..." See in text(Chapter 1 - Peter Breaks Through)

The flower symbolizes Wendy’s childhood and innocence. Wendy's inability to resist plucking the flower symbolizes that her fate is out of her control. Although she does not grow up at this precise moment, her instinct to pluck the flower is a metaphor that foreshadows her inability to stay young forever.

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Chapter 2 - The Shadow 🔒 5

"Michael, who was of a suspicious nature..." See in text(Chapter 2 - The Shadow)

Being suspicious is a characterization of a child’s nature, and Barrie uses adjectives to characterize how adults differ from children. Notice how the adjectives change for characters as the story progresses. Barrie describes Michael with the most childlike characteristics because he is the youngest of the Darling children.

Evan, Owl Eyes Staff

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"Wendy was wiser..." See in text(Chapter 2 - The Shadow)

This follows the theme of motherhood in the story. Wendy immediately knows the difference between Nana’s happy and unhappy bark because of her protective instincts.

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"breadwinner..." See in text(Chapter 2 - The Shadow)

A “breadwinner” (bread-winner) is the person in a household who provides money for living expenses. Mr. Darling feels his position of “breadwinner” garnishes him respect in the household. Although it is admirable that he keeps food on the table for his family, he does not comprehend that this concept of money is not at the forefront of his children’s minds.

Evan, Owl Eyes Staff

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"it would have been better for the house if he had swallowed his pride and used a made-up tie..." See in text(Chapter 2 - The Shadow)

Mr. Darling is the epitome of a grown-up in this story. He worries about money, appearances, and perhaps worst of all, pride. Mr. Darling not only acts as a foil for his wife, who still has held onto a touch of her childhood, but also to his kids most especially.

Evan, Owl Eyes Staff

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"Mrs. Darling never upbraided Peter..." See in text(Chapter 2 - The Shadow)

Recall in chapter 1 when Mrs. Darling is described as having “a romantic mind.” This supports that claim by showing Mrs. Darling’s wistful and young mindset that separates her from her husband.

Evan, Owl Eyes Staff

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Chapter 3 - Come Away, Come Away! 🔒 5

"as sharp as a knife with six blades and a saw..." See in text(Chapter 3 - Come Away, Come Away!)

This simile compares Michael's readiness for adventure with the keen edge of a sharp blade. "Sharp" has connotations of being quick-minded and ready for action. Perhaps the narrator chooses to over-explain Michael’s readiness because Michael is the youngest of the children and most willing to adventure.

Evan, Owl Eyes Staff

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"Wendy, one girl is more use than twenty boys..." See in text(Chapter 3 - Come Away, Come Away!)

This response supports the major theme of motherhood in the story. Even though Wendy herself is just a little girl when she meets Peter, she begins to take on responsibilities of a mother to Peter and the Lost Boys, because they don’t have mothers of their own.

Evan, Owl Eyes Staff

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"I can't help crowing, Wendy, when I'm pleased with myself..." See in text(Chapter 3 - Come Away, Come Away!)

Recall in chapter 1 when Wendy can’t control her desire to pick the flower. Here, Peter exhibits a similar character trait by not being able to control his desire to crow. While Wendy’s inability to control picking the flower represents the inevitable truth that she will grow up, Peter’s inability to not boast represents that he will be childlike forever.

Evan, Owl Eyes Staff

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"Wendy, I ran away the day I was born..." See in text(Chapter 3 - Come Away, Come Away!)

Peter ran away the day he was born to avoid the responsibility of growing up. This is a fantastical aspect of the story that separates Peter from the real world; in the real world, newborn babies cannot run away from their parents. It is ironic that even though Peter desires to avoid responsibility, he has chosen to be the leader of the Lost Boys, a group of children who all have run from their parents.

Evan, Owl Eyes Staff

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"It must be sewn on..." See in text(Chapter 3 - Come Away, Come Away!)

Wendy’s quick thinking follows the major theme of the story of women as caretakers for men. Throughout the story women are portrayed as strong and individualistic, always willing and ready to help out more foolish and self-absorbed male characters.

Evan, Owl Eyes Staff

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Chapter 4 - The Flight 🔒 2

"Hook..." See in text(Chapter 4 - The Flight)

Captain Hook is Peter’s greatest enemy. During their first battle, Peter cut off Hook’s hand and a large crocodile ate it. The crocodile so liked the taste of Captain Hook, that he follows Hook around at all times trying to eat the rest of him.

Evan, Owl Eyes Staff

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"this was rather an odd way of getting your bread and butter, nor even that there are other ways..." See in text(Chapter 4 - The Flight)

Recall in chapter 1 how Mr. Darling is described as the “breadwinnner” (bread-winner) of the family. Mr. Darling is a foil to Peter Pan. Mr. Darling keeps food on the table by holding a steady financial job, while Peter does so by chasing birds in the sky. This metaphor contrasts the wild imagination of children against adults’ staunch acceptance of reality.

Evan, Owl Eyes Staff

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Chapter 6 - The Little House 🔒 1

"A lady to take care of us at last..." See in text(Chapter 6 - The Little House)

Wendy takes on responsibilities of a mother for the Lost Boys, but Peter refuses to follow lead and act as a father. While Wendy's actions support the theme of motherhood in the story, they also potentially reinforce stereotypical gender roles, suggesting that her only use in Neverland is to take care of the Lost Boys.

Evan, Owl Eyes Staff

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Chapter 7 - The Home Under The Ground 🔒 3

"while Michael was quite willing to believe that she was really his mother..." See in text(Chapter 7 - The Home Under The Ground)

Since Michael is the youngest of the Darling children, he is the most adaptable to new situations and circ*mstances. The narrator uses “willing” to illustrate how Michael wasn’t tricked or forced to believe that Wendy is his mother. This shows how his young age enables him to believe in seemingly anything.

Evan, Owl Eyes Staff

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"having the appearance of a nose permanently turned up..." See in text(Chapter 7 - The Home Under The Ground)

Barrie describes Tinker Bell’s disgust with and jealousness of Wendy by noting that she has “the appearance of a nose permanently turned up.” He could have simply stated that she looked upset, but this further description gives the reader a better idea of the type of conceit she has. Tinker Bell’s continuous disapproval of Wendy promotes a controversial side of Peter Pan that portrays women as jealous.

Evan, Owl Eyes Staff

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"if you wanted to go fishin..." See in text(Chapter 7 - The Home Under The Ground)

Having worms in the floor would be something adults would not like because it would be considered dirty. However, this example reinforces how these children are more concerned with practicality than pride, they enjoy the worms in the floor, so they can go fishing whenever they’d like.

Evan, Owl Eyes Staff

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Chapter 8 - The Mermaids' Lagoon 🔒 6

"o die will be an awfully big adventure..." See in text(Chapter 8 - The Mermaids' Lagoon)

For Peter, the most important things in life are adventure and staying a child forever. In Neverland, nothing seems to change much for Peter, and because he values adventure above his well-being, death may seem worth it.

Evan, Owl Eyes Staff

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"it was two against one that angered him..." See in text(Chapter 8 - The Mermaids' Lagoon)

Peter’s anger in this situation could be triggered by the thought of his parents. Although it is never mentioned explicitly, Peter is likely an only child, so growing up in his household (with his hatred of adults) may have felt like a “two against one” situation.

Evan, Owl Eyes Staff

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"she was too proud to offer a vain resistance..." See in text(Chapter 8 - The Mermaids' Lagoon)

The narrator uses “pride” to highlight character weakness in the story. Recall in chapter 2 how Mr. Darling blames his wardrobe decisions as one of the reasons the children vanished; he was too proud to wear a “made-up tie.” In both Mr. Darling and Tiger Lily’s scenarios, “pride” is seemingly their downfall.

Evan, Owl Eyes Staff

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"she must die as a chief's daughter..." See in text(Chapter 8 - The Mermaids' Lagoon)

The narrator portrays Tiger Lily as brave in times of distress, showing an ability to be “impassive” during a life-threatening situation. This supports the argument that Barrie portrays women in a positive light (a heavily debated upon topic). Compare how Barrie portrays Wendy and Tiger Lily with Tinker Bell. The fairy's character is interesting because she seems to be petty and emotionally unstable.

Evan, Owl Eyes Staff

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"Was it not brave of Wendy?..." See in text(Chapter 8 - The Mermaids' Lagoon)

Wendy has consistently shown bravery and courage in the face of adversity. In this instance, she acts like the mother bird who protects her eggs by letting the children sleep while she stands ready for confrontation with the pirates. Wendy proves herself as one of the strongest and most caring characters in the story.

Evan, Owl Eyes Staff

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"wide awake at once as a dog..." See in text(Chapter 8 - The Mermaids' Lagoon)

The narrator employs a simile to compare Peter to a dog to show his bravery and watchfulness. Recall earlier how the Lost Boys are all children who fell out of unwatched perambulators, and how Nana would instinctively check all the unattended perambulators at the park. In this comparison, since dogs are the Darling children’s protector, perhaps Peter has more responsibility than he realizes.

Evan, Owl Eyes Staff

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Chapter 9 - The Never Bird 🔒 1

"Peter, always sympathetic to the weaker side..." See in text(Chapter 9 - The Never Bird)

Rather than showing, the narrator states one of Peter's most defining character trait: Peter passionately cares, protects, and supports those who cannot take care for themselves.

Evan, Owl Eyes Staff

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Chapter 10 - The Happy Home 🔒 3

"Peter, you just spoil them, you know..." See in text(Chapter 10 - The Happy Home)

In Neverland, the lines between make believe and reality are blurred. Wendy is ready to accept the role of a mother to the Lost Boys, but Peter will only act as a father if it is part of a game. Although Wendy has difficulties with the concept of growing up, Peter has already decided that he could never do so. Peter’s unwillingness to grow up presents problems for him, such as poor memory and a childish understanding of love.

Evan, Owl Eyes Staff

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"loyal a housewife to listen to any complaints against father..." See in text(Chapter 10 - The Happy Home)

In this scene during Peter and Wendy’s role play as mother and father, Wendy’s submissiveness as a housewife contrasts the strong and courageous character she has demonstrated thus far. Although Barrie has promoted the idea motherhood so far, traditional and fixed gender roles have begun to appear during the second half of the story.

Evan, Owl Eyes Staff

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"It is only make-believe, isn't it, that I am their father?..." See in text(Chapter 10 - The Happy Home)

Peter wants to avoid growing up to avoid responsibility, thus he is only willing to act as a father if it is “only make-believe.” Wendy on the other hand is ready to accept the responsibility in a sort of Neverland reality, suggesting that women are more ready for responsibility than boys.

Evan, Owl Eyes Staff

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Chapter 11 - Wendy's Story 🔒 4

"I am not sure that this was true, but Peter thought it was true; and it scared them..." See in text(Chapter 11 - Wendy's Story)

This part of the story explains a lot about Peter’s character. It seems as though Peter feels hurt by his parents and that is why he has such a deep hatred for grown ups. In this instance, it doesn’t really matter if what he said is actually true, because what he believes is more important.

Evan, Owl Eyes Staff

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"every time you breathe, a grown-up dies; and Peter was killing them off vindictively as fast as possible..." See in text(Chapter 11 - Wendy's Story)

This represents Peter’s immaturity and perhaps the disdain he has for feeling as though his parents replaced him. While the Darling children begin to learn about their parents love while they are apart, Peter is unable to grow emotionally because he refuses to change and mature.

Evan, Owl Eyes Staff

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"it will only mean having a few beds in the drawing-room..." See in text(Chapter 11 - Wendy's Story)

In chapter one, Mr. Darling scrupulously examined the Darling’s financial situation to assess the viability of having children. Wendy’s belief that adding just “a few beds in the drawing-room” to bring the Lost Boys and Peter home with them is symbolic of her young mind and inexperience with such matters.

Evan, Owl Eyes Staff

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"our heroine knew that the mother would always leave the window open for her children to fly back by..." See in text(Chapter 11 - Wendy's Story)

This speaks to Wendy’s intelligence and maturity. She is the only one who understands the depth of a parent’s love. In this scene, we notice that for the first time that being a grown up is not presented as the worst thing in the world, and perhaps this is why Peter hates Wendy’s story so much.

Evan, Owl Eyes Staff

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Chapter 12 - The Children Are Carried Off 🔒 1

"It was Peter's co*ckiness..." See in text(Chapter 12 - The Children Are Carried Off)

Peter’s immaturity and pride are central aspects to his character. A major part of his immaturity is his consistent and unwavering co*ckiness, or self-confidence. Protagonists typically have a fatal flaw, and it will be interesting to see if Peter’s co*ckiness is his.

Evan, Owl Eyes Staff

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Chapter 13 - Do You Believe In Fairies? 🔒 2

"Tink got between his lips and the draught, and drained it to the dregs..." See in text(Chapter 13 - Do You Believe In Fairies?)

In this scene, Tinker Bell shows her absolute love for Peter, and Peter continues to act childishly by not believing her warnings about the “medicine.” Tinker Bell's actions reveal the level of devotion she has to Peter even if his immaturity prevents him from understanding it.

Evan, Owl Eyes Staff

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"They had to do, I think, with the riddle of his existence..." See in text(Chapter 13 - Do You Believe In Fairies?)

The narrator doesn’t give readers access to most of Peter’s thoughts, but every once in a while he gives little pieces of information that help us to justify Peter’s actions. In this line, we learn that it is not only growing up that Peter finds problematic, but also the uncertainties of human existence. If Peter has such a tough time with the concept of existence, we can justify his non-fear of death, as well as his desire to do nothing with his life but enjoy adventures and never look back.

Evan, Owl Eyes Staff

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Chapter 14 - The Pirate Ship 🔒 4

"Hide me!" he cried hoarsely..." See in text(Chapter 14 - The Pirate Ship)

Even though Hook is the captain of the ship, his immediate response upon hearing the ticking of the crocodile is to be hidden by his crew. His fear of the crocodile makes him a coward in this moment, because rather than carrying on with his decision to kill his captives, he hides behind his own crew.

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"the eyes of all were on the plank: that last little walk they were about to take..." See in text(Chapter 14 - The Pirate Ship)

This exhibits the unwavering selfishness of the Lost Boys. Even as Wendy is about to be killed, they care for no one except themselves. This scene juxtaposes the selfish immaturity of the Lost Boys with the strength and resolve of Wendy.

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"To reveal who he really was would even at this date set the country in a blaze..." See in text(Chapter 14 - The Pirate Ship)

Keeping the true identity of Hook a secret builds an aire of suspenseful mystery around the antagonist. This also infers that perhaps somebody important and “real” in England (such as a politician or celebrity) dreams of being the evil Captain Hook when he sleeps.

Evan, Owl Eyes Staff

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"No little children to love me!..." See in text(Chapter 14 - The Pirate Ship)

Just as very little information is given concerning Peter Pan’s psyche, the narrator does not give many reasons for Hook’s evil motivations. In this line, we see a different side of Hook that perhaps provides insight into his behavior: he has never had any children that love him, and his actions represent that lack of love and his frustration.

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Chapter 15 - Hook or Me This Time 🔒 3

"Proud and insolent youth..." See in text(Chapter 15 - Hook or Me This Time)

Barrie has shown "pride" to be characteristic of adults; however, pride has gotten the best of Peter previously in the story. Hook uses this word as an insult that he knows Peter will take personally.

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"Wendy, of course, had stood by taking no part in the fight, though watching Peter with glistening eyes..." See in text(Chapter 15 - Hook or Me This Time)

This line perpetuates the gender roles that many people find problematic within the story. Wendy does not help in the battle, but instead stands by and watches admiringly rather than actively helping Peter defeat hook.

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"I'm youth, I'm joy," Peter answered at a venture, "I'm a little bird that has broken out of the egg..." See in text(Chapter 15 - Hook or Me This Time)

In this response, Peter makes a parallel between himself and the Never bird who wouldn’t leave her eggs. By saying he has “broken out of the egg,” he implies that perhaps he doesn’t need a mother of his own and can simply take care of himself.

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Chapter 16 - The Return Home 🔒 3

"but he was looking through the window at the one joy from which he must be for ever barred..." See in text(Chapter 16 - The Return Home)

Peter left for Neverland as a child to avoid the responsibilities of growing up, and by doing this, he also missed the realities of living (and dying) as a normal human. In doing this, he lost his chance at familial love, the “one joy from which he must be for ever barred.”

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"But the lady would not make the best of it, and he was unhappy..." See in text(Chapter 16 - The Return Home)

Mrs. Darling has lost her children once before and will not allow it to happen again. Recall how Peter’s desire for adventure and fear of growing up cuts off his memory. Although Peter is currently unhappy, he won't stay sad long due to his nature, making him much more likely to give in to Mrs. Darling's wishes.

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"she will have to go back with me..." See in text(Chapter 16 - The Return Home)

Again Peter’s selfishness seems to be one of his most enduring character trait. Even though the Darling children have expressed interest in going home, Peter tries to ensure they come back with him to Neverland. Since Peter represents a desire for eternal childhood, it is expected that he doesn't develop as a character by the story's end.

Evan, Owl Eyes Staff

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Chapter 17 - When Wendy Grew Up 🔒 4

"But, alas, he forgot all about me..." See in text(Chapter 17 - When Wendy Grew Up)

Peter symbolizes eternal youth, so his ability to forget Wendy parallels her ability to forget her adventurous, young self. In Neverland, dreams become reality, but back home dreams vanish and reality takes hold. Once Wendy became fully immersed into the real world where she was to grow up, her imagination and memories of Peter fade.

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"cried Wendy so longingly that Mrs. Darling tightened her grip..." See in text(Chapter 17 - When Wendy Grew Up)

Wendy is faced with a difficult decision here: to stay with her parents or to follow Peter back to Neverland. Ultimately she decides to stay with her parents, symbolizing her strength of character and making an important, independent decision rather than catering to Peter's needs.

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"And then to an office?..." See in text(Chapter 17 - When Wendy Grew Up)

Peter asks these questions in a rhetorical manner, most likely knowing the answers are going to be things he does not desire. He does this, perhaps just to make sure, and also to try and make Mrs. Darling and Wendy understand that living with them is not the life for him.

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"Then he burst into tears, and the truth came out..." See in text(Chapter 17 - When Wendy Grew Up)

Although Mr. Darling is not included as a major part of the story, in this last chapter his character sees tremendous amounts of emotional growth. In the first chapter, he is described as a financial man who concerns himself mainly with pride and money, but by the end “[bursts] into tears” and confesses that he fears being disliked.

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Analysis Pages

  • Alliteration
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  • Conflict
  • Foreshadowing
  • Historical Context
  • Imagery
  • Irony
  • Literary Devices
  • Metaphor
  • Plot
  • Rhyme
  • Simile
  • Symbols
  • Themes
  • Tone
  • Vocabulary

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Character Analysis in Peter Pan (2024)


Character Analysis in Peter Pan? ›

Peter's behavior is impulsive and sometimes reckless. Repeatedly described by the narrator as conceited—and by his nemesis Capt. Hook

Hook is a 1991 American fantasy-comedy movie directed by Steven Spielberg and written by James V. Hart and Malia Scotch Marmo. It stars Robin Williams as Peter Banning / Peter Pan, Dustin Hoffman as Captain Hook, Julia Roberts as Tinker Bell, Maggie Smith as Granny Wendy, and Bob Hoskins as Mr. Smee. › wiki › Hook_(movie)
as co*cky—Peter often abandons his friends, subjects them to near-fatal jokes, or forgets about them entirely.

What are the characteristics of Peter Pan's character? ›

The famous boy who never grows old, Peter Pan is boastful and carefree; self-centred and oblivious; forgetful and fearless. In short, he is everything that you would expect the essence of childhood to be.

What is Peter Pan personality in the book? ›

A careful reading of J.M. Barrie's 1911 novel, Peter and Wendy (now often published as Peter Pan), which will reveal what an absolute pillock Peter Pan always was: self-absorbed, self-dramatising, and arrogant.

What does Wendy symbolize in Peter Pan? ›

Barrie does not give any description of Wendy, but she is generally depicted as a pretty girl with blond or brown hair. While Tiger Lily and Tinker Bell are usually portrayed as exotic or magical figures, Wendy represents the conventional young mother figure who ultimately captures Peter Pan's attention.

Who is Mrs Darling character analysis? ›

The children's mother, and the narrator's favorite, Mrs. Darling is a lovely, cheerful woman with a mysterious “kiss” in the corner of her mouth, like some leftover childhood magic. She adores her children and loves to care for them, and pines away when they leave her.

What is Peter Pan's personality type? ›

In conclusion, Peter Pan is an ENFP personality type, which is demonstrated in his imaginative and adventurous behavior, emotional connections with others, and aversion to structure and routine.

What is Peter Pan's character flaw? ›

Peter's lack of empathy and unchecked violence are a result of his refusal to mature in any way, leading to his failing as a hero: the Page 10 Connelly 8 rejection of the love and change that could have saved him from his constant need to run away from memories and nightmares.

What is the deeper meaning of Peter Pan? ›

The main message of Peter Pan is that children, while wonderful and fun, are also innocent and heartless, and this is why it's ultimately better that children do grow up. Peter's innocence and ignorance cause him to come off as rude and uncaring.

What is the analysis of Peter Pan? ›

Touching on themes such as motherhood, good versus evil, and love, Peter Pan is a literary adventure that gives readers a nostalgic look into their sentimental past, encouraging us to look back at our younger and more imaginative selves, reminding us to never stop believing.

What are Peter Pan's qualities? ›

In the play and book, Peter symbolises the selfishness of childhood, and is portrayed as being forgetful and self-centred. Peter has a nonchalant, devil-may-care attitude, and is fearlessly co*cky when it comes to putting himself in danger.

What does Captain Hook symbolize? ›

Barrie's portrayal of Hook as a powerful symbol of masculinity through both language and action is ultimately undermined by the historical placement of his anachronistic character, and through his incongruence with the modern English society that Barrie depicts.

What does the crocodile in Peter Pan symbolize? ›

Answers: The crocodile, with the clock in its belly, represents time encroaching upon someone. Peter is afraid of how time inevitably makes people grow older, and so the crocodile embodies his fears. The crocodile represents fun and adventure, both things that Peter has been taught adults are not allowed to experience.

What is Tinker Bell's personality? ›

Personality. Despite her cute appearance, Tinker Bell is very sassy, feisty, stubborn, and hot-tempered. Upon meeting Wendy and other human females, Tink immediately shows disgust and irritation, mostly out of jealousy. This drives Tink to perform acts in both selfish and even murderous ways, much to Peter's annoyance.

What does Mrs. Darling's kiss represent? ›

On Mrs. Darling, the kiss is a remnant of total freedom, a small part of her that is safe from the unmagical aspects of life, and inaccessible to unmagical beings (including Mr. Darling, and, sadly, Wendy). Only something of its own kind can apprehend the “kiss” – only Peter himself.

Why is Mr. Darling troubled by Nana? ›

Darling knew it, yet he sometimes wondered uneasily whether the neighbours talked. He had his position in the city to consider. Nana also troubled him in another way. He had sometimes a feeling that she did not admire him.

Why did Mrs. Darling scream? ›

Darling screamed, this time in distress for him, for she thought he was killed, and she ran down into the street to look for his little body, but it was not there; and she looked up, and in the black night she could see nothing but what she thought was a shooting star.

What are Peter's character traits? ›

Throughout the Gospels, Peter's interactions with Jesus and the disciples reflect a leader who is impulsive, ambitious, self-assertive, and quick to commit without fully understanding the meaning of Jesus' words or actions.

How do you describe someone as Peter Pan? ›

Peter Pan syndrome (PPS), while not a recognized diagnosis, is a popular psychology term used to describe an adult who has difficulty growing up. The term is derived from the fictional character of Peter Pan, a magical boy who never grows old, created by J.M. Barrie in 1902.

What kind of man is a Peter Pan? ›

Peter Pan syndrome is a popular psychology term for people who find it difficult to “grow up.” These people often have challenges managing adult responsibilities and maintaining adult relationships.

What are some character traits of Peter in Number the Stars? ›

Though he is described as having been joyful in earlier years, the Peter of Number the Stars is intense and serious. Nothing gets in the way of Peter's mission. His participation in the Resistance is what defines him. Peter can be seen as the prototypical young rebel, though he is quiet and composed.

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